
Blueberry Scans has dissolved as a (true) team. This blog will no longer be updated as of April 1st, 2025. Everything will only be uploaded onto MangaDex from now on. Please bookmark your favourite manga on MangaDex.

About Blueberry Scans

You may know us as ‘Lemonade Scans’ before but, we’re now known as ‘Blueberry Scans’. Why?

What’s your story?

Some of you probably look at us as a ‘side’ group to Lemonade Scans or even an affiliation. We’re neither. Blueberry exists as a separate entity. Story time.

In the dawn of time, Lemonade Scans began as a Spanish scanlation group. The English side was made as a ‘re-translation’ group and heavily-affiliated with the Spanish side. In fact, no releases were allowed in the English without permission from the Spanish side. Whatever the Spanish did, the English did after. Over time, discourse happened (as it tends to when groups grow and expand) but, there were more leniency and projects began to differ. Projects were also not as heavily-controlled and Lemonade English sort of became it’s own entity (almost).

The group grew and with that, so did its reputation. Lemonade Scans began to have an “image” and trying to upkeep this eventually took a toll on its admins. There were sayings like “it’s just like Lemonade Scans to release this kind of manga!” and “this doesn’t seem to fit Lemonade’s theme”. We realised that we were very limited with what we wanted to do and more of what we were ‘expected’ to do. Granted, we could have just revamped the group and did whatever the hell we wanted but, the feel isn’t the same. There will always be lingering ties to what once were. 

So after much stress, tears and discussion, the admins have decided to break off from Lemonade Scans. We’re finishing up the series we have there but after that, we won’t be releasing anything else under that name.

But we want to look at it like ‘graduating’ or ‘moving cities’. It’s still us but we’ve grown up and started afresh. 

The TL;DR version: we felt like it.

Why ‘Blueberry’?

Blueberry is a metaphoric name for our new beginning. This fruit is known to be both sweet and sour depending on its ripeness and origin. Life can also be both sweet and sour. But just because the fruit is sour, doesn’t mean it can’t be used to make deliciously sweet things, right? Like in life as well, the hard times are there to teach us a lesson and to help us grow physically and mentally stronger.

Also, Blueberry plans to release a variety of genres that suit our tastes. It can range from deep, psychological series with dark and questionable ideals, to cute and fluffy filled with sugary sweetness!

So, which life journey do you wish to go on today? :) 


  1. Ty for all the hard work! For donations then, should we still head to the lemande scans page? The current 'ongoing' Manga that is listed under projects are still being translated right?
    thank you!

    1. Thank you for your interest! i added the links on top!

  2. Hi, for donations. Since there is no link on the lemonade scans(eng blog) for donations. Should I use the donation link here in blueberry? Will that help the mangas that are under lemonade (like Hananoi-kun) ?

    Thank you
